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Anderson Legal provides criminal defence representation
Anderson Legal provides comprehensive criminal law defence services for businesses and individuals facing investigation or charges relating to work health and safety offences in Queensland. In assisting clients, this firm:
- provides advice and representation
- defends against unfair allegations
- resolves, where appropriate, charges by negotiation
- applies to courts for orders, including to exclude evidence
- represents clients in complex trials and sentences
- litigates appeals for wrongful convictions and sentences
Anderson Legal provides clear guidance in all cases. It allows clients to make informed decisions about their options and their preferred path forward.
Criminal defence work requires more than just an understanding of criminal law and procedure. It requires the insight to know that without the ability to properly contest allegations, innocent people are condemned to unjust convictions and punishments. History provides countless examples of innocent people wrongly accused of committing serious offences and prisoners condemned to punishments that do not fit the crime.
Anderson Legal is a Brisbane-based law firm that has the expertise and proven experience to provide criminal defence services for businesses and individuals. If you need a trusted and respected criminal lawyer, there are many reasons why Anderson Legal should be your preferred choice.
Contact Anderson Legal
Call this firm for a confidential, obligation-free telephone consultation
This firm offers a free telephone consultation. The reason is simple – it shouldn’t cost anything for a person to pick up the phone and understand if a particular law firm can help them or not. Anderson Legal takes the time necessary to understand the issues and to determine if this firm is in a position to provide the standard of advice and representation you are entitled to expect.
Clients of this law firm have often contacted Anderson Legal following a referral from other lawyers, however all enquiries are welcome. Anderson Legal understands people put their faith and trust in the work of their lawyer. Professional reputation follows reality and not the other way around. Andrew Anderson offers clients a proven track record of success in complex and difficult cases across all court levels, including multiple appeals before the High Court of Australia.
It is not uncommon for this firm to receive requests for assistance that may be better handled by others. In the interests of maintaining the highest standards, there are also occasions when new cases are declined to focus on existing clients’ needs. In such instances, Anderson Legal will try to identify who may be in a position to assist you.
If you seek a confidential, obligation-free telephone consultation about a specific issue affecting you, contact this firm.
Can this firm help you?
Call Anderson Legal
Anderson Legal seeks to make legal costs predictable, understandable, and transparent to ensure the focus remains on outcomes and results.
This firm negotiates its fees with clients and adopts fixed fees, capped fees, and time-based billing, depending on the work involved.
Why should I call? What happens next?
If you need legal advice or are unsure whether you do, you should call Anderson Legal. It costs you nothing but time to work out if this firm can help you.
When you call, you will be asked a few questions about yourself, your issue, and what you hope to achieve.
If Anderson Legal can assist you with your legal issue, you will get informed about what this firm may be able to do to help you and discuss the legal fees that may be incurred.